'Me at University Doing Teacher Training - What a Big Laugh': Narrative and Parrhesia

From Section:
Teacher Education Programs
Dec. 10, 2009

Source: Educational Action Research, Volume 17, Issue 4 December 2009, pages 523 – 536.

This article uses Foucault's notion of parrhesia to analyse the story of another and to interrogate teacher education in terms of the particular moral order or the forms of socialization that it uses.

The author examines the context of her own teaching in terms of truth-telling and the normative expectations that were found to exist.

Through reflection and analysis and using the patterns of action research came the realization that some of what we do within teacher education examines a student's moral performance rather than their pedagogical ability. The particular moral code that fits within teaching and teacher education needs to be considered in terms of social justice and social change.
It argues that there exist collegial restraints and the typifications that serve to find the kinds of students and future teachers we consider appropriate.

As an example of an action research study, the article raises many questions that need to be further considered particularly in regard to 'regimes of truth' within teacher education.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Action research | Reflective teaching | Role of education | Self concept | Teacher education