Promoting Creative Thinking and Expression of Science Concepts Among Elementary Teacher Candidates Through Science Content Movie Creation and Showcasing

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Oct. 01, 2010

Source: Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 10(4), 411-431. (2010).
(Reviewed by the Portal Team)

In this article, the authors examined the use of video editing technology as a tool to support candidates’ conceptual understanding and expression of science content knowledge, as well as the potential to support creative thinking.

Participant and Project Details
The participants were 121 elementary teacher candidates in both sections of an elementary science methods course.

Each class integrated hands-on activities, exercises, discussions, experiments, and inquiries that related and demonstrated the fusion of core science concepts with key pedagogical concepts.
The methods course project entitled Science Concept Movie was an assignment for preservice teachers to express their understanding of a science topic of their choice using video editing software as a tool to develop the finished product.


From the student commentary and perspective, two overt themes emerged that are relevant to preservice elementary science teacher education and preparation.

Science Concept Movies as a Means to Think About Science
The student reflective statements about participating in this project described having the
opportunity to think about the science concepts in a different and unusual manner as a result of progressing through the second and third phases of the project.

Students, for the most part, spoke and wrote about how their understandings of the science concepts were modified in some way through the journey of making the movie.

Using the Technology in the Science Methods Classroom.
Many teacher candidates reported that learning to use the software had distinct advantages that included increasing their confidence in using the software and having to figure out how the software could support their ideas.

Many of the candidates also realized how video editing could be a powerful tool for creativity and communication with their own future students in science.


The candidates found that the process gave them an opportunity to explore, assemble, and communicate a story of their concept in a creative and engaging way that was meaningful for them.

The authors conclude that the participants found that this project was worthwhile, because they perceived value, and the movie products supporting creative expressions of science conceptual understanding.

Finally, preservice teachers recommend that science teacher educators create or use similar projects in their science methods classrooms.

Updated: Jul. 26, 2018
Content knowledge | Elementary school teachers | Methods courses | Preservice teachers | Science instruction | Technology integration