Views From the Trenches: Teacher and Student Supports Needed for Full Inclusion of Students With ASD

From Section:
Instruction in Teacher Training
Feb. 01, 2015

Source:   Teacher Education and Special Education, 38(1), February 2015, p. 44-57

This study seeks to determine the needs of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fully inclusive settings as well as teachers’ needs in facilitating their students’ success.

Focus groups were conducted with special and general educators at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
The study was translational in nature by focusing on the practice and daily experiences of teachers for informing professional development.

Teachers highlighted the knowledge and skills teachers need for students with ASD to fully benefit from inclusive educational placements.
Those included the need to fully understand ASD, differentiation, and social support strategies for students with autism as well as the strong need for increased collaboration between general and special educators.

Updated: Aug. 05, 2018
Autism | Focus groups | Inclusion | Special education teachers | Special needs students | Student characteristics | Teacher collaboration