Defining Tools for a New Learning Space: Writing and Reading Class Blogs

From Section:
ICT & Teaching
Jun. 25, 2008

Source: Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2008

This article uses specific issues surrounding course blogging to provide a series of reflections regarding the articulation between pedagogy and technology in creating a next generation learning space and discourse community. It investigates the underlying structure and necessary constituent elements of a successful blog assignment. The article also examines the notion of natural and unnatural virtual environments and the roles of the reader and the writer-reader.
It suggests that blog assignments may not succeed equally well in all subject areas and gives a number of possible reasons. Furthermore, it posits a more nuanced criterion for the definition of goals and the evaluation of the success of a blog assignment as a learning community beyond the presence or absence of comments.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Learning communities | Pedagogy | Reflection | Virtual environments | Weblogs