Leading Professional Learning in An Australian Secondary School through School-University Partnerships

From Section:
Professional Development
Nov. 29, 2008

Source: Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Volume 36, Issue 4, (November 2008) pages 345 - 357

As the limitations of one-off and disconnected professional learning programs for teachers are recognized, there is widespread interest in building learning communities and professional learning teams within schools. When considering how to build local learning communities, school and university partnerships are seen as offering rich possibilities for transformative professional action.
Set in the context of the international agenda of “Education For All” (UNESCO, 2005) a model of sustained on-going professional learning, developed in one large secondary school in Australia, is analyzed. The social practices that generate action and participation for partnership members are then scrutinized for the legitimacy of school-university partnerships and the contribution to enhancing teacher learning.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Professional learning communities | Secondary schools | Teacher professional development | University school collaboration