Analysis of the Revisions that Pre-service Teachers of Mathematics Make of Their Own Project Included in Their Learning Portfolio

From Section:
Preservice Teachers
Jul. 25, 2010

This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 26, Issue 5, Author(s): M.J. Cáceres, J.M. Chamoso and P. Azcárate, “Analysis of the Revisions that Pre-service Teachers of Mathematics Make of Their Own Project Included in Their Learning Portfolio“, Pages 1186-1195, Copyright Elsevier (July 2010).

Learning portfolios are increasingly being used in university teacher-education programs as assessment instrument.

With formative assessment in mind, this study provides a method to assess the modifications made by each pre-service teacher in his/her project included in his/her learning portfolio.

The project consisted of designing a lesson plan for teaching mathematical knowledge taking into account Content, Activities, Methodology and Reflection.

The outcomes showed significant differences in the revisions carried out in all categories except Activities. Although the use of portfolio promoted the successful development of each pre-service teacher's initial ideas, the training received during the teacher-education program had limited influence.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2017
Evaluation methods | Instructional effectiveness | Mathematics instruction | Portfolio assessment | Portfolios | Preservice teachers | Student projects