Convergent Adaptation in Small Groups: Understanding Professional Development Activities Through a Complex Systems Lens

May. 17, 2010

Source: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 18(2), 319-344. (2010).

This article reports on an exploratory study that identifies indicators of convergent vs.
non-convergent adaptation in two cases of teachers working together on a technology-based curriculum construction activity.
The article explores the relationship between group characteristics and adaptation processes.

The authors have used the core complex systems concept of adaptation as a lens for understanding how and why some teachers are better able to adapt to the educational program requirements.

The results show that processes of convergence and non-convergence influenced adaptive outcomes.
Furthermore, the results reveal that the more similar the teaching characteristic index (TCI) number was among group members, the more likely it was that group dynamics would result in convergent adaptive outcomes.

Updated: Feb. 13, 2012


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