Apr. 23, 2014
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The International Portal of Teacher Education resource list.

Today, April 23, the United Nations is celebrating English Language Day. People around the world are asked to join hands by helping a child in their community learn English. We at MOFET are joining this event by giving you free access to dozens of articles on teacher education and English as a second language.
You are also invited to check our online courses on the didactics of teaching English as a Foreign Language. The courses are appropriate for those teaching English at all levels. Practicing teachers will be able to update, enrich and extend their knowledge of EFL education and its application in the classroom. All courses stress how to teach English in a global world. 

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

April 23, 2014 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
April 2014
Featured Items
Valuing Initial Teacher Education at Master’s Level
The authors wanted to find out more about student teachers’ understandings of Master’s-level work in relation to teacher education. In addition, they wanted to discover if working at Master’s level during the course of their PGCE changed their perceptions of its value at all. The authors therefore decided to survey the students about their experiences during the PGCE year. The authors conclude that they focused on the processes of understanding teaching and learning, which are most effective when the collaborative and social dimensions of professional learning are developed with the skills of critical reflection and research literacy. This combination enables teachers to problematise their learning contexts and develop complex understandings of teaching and learning.
The Impact of Continuing Professional Development on a Novice Teacher
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the growth and development of a novice teacher participating in a Continuing professional development (CPD) project. Based on the findings of the current paper, the CPD project supports the professional development of a novice teacher in three areas. First, it helps develop teaching competencies. Second, it promotes positive socialization in organization and in the profession. Finally, it facilitates the development of one’s professional identity. This study illustrates the important challenges teacher educators face in finding new ways to create learning opportunities in teaching students and novice teachers. Such opportunities would be meaningful for teacher educators in their own professional development and growth.
Pre-service Teacher Research: An Early Acculturation into a Research Disposition
This study examines pre-service teacher research in a nine-month teacher education programme, implemented as a means of making explicit links between research and practice. The results reveal that although student teachers expressed significant concerns about having to develop a research question, they conferred with and developed questions in conjunction with their associate teachers. However, they also indicated that support from the associate teacher presented a significant challenge. Furthermore, the results reveal that understanding a research disposition to be integral to teaching proved to be a significant conceptual challenge amongst some of the pre-service teachers and associate teachers.
Tools that Come from Within: Learning to Teach in a Cross-Cultural Adult Literacy Practicum
This study follows 12 preservice teachers who tutored adult students learning English in a free evening class while simultaneously taking a course titled Community Literacy. In particular, the authors examine how this context supported them in developing tools for teaching; and how those tools were shaped by and constructed these teachers’ identities. The authors used discourse analysis to examine three preservice teachers’ cases and their ideas about language acquisition, literacy teaching and learning, and teacher/student roles in a cross-cultural teaching setting. The authors conclude that the preservice teachers drew on the tools that come from mentor texts and their experiences, and also the tools that students brought, in unique ways.
Searching High and Searching Low, Searching East and Searching West: Looking For Trust in Teacher Education
This article reviewed 10 papers. These papers demonstrated that those associated with teacher education, from the policy, research and practice arenas, are currently searching to ensure that the teachers who graduate from an increasing array of programmes, have the skills, attitudes and dispositions to support high levels of student achievement in schools. Several key issues that have emerged from the reviewed articles. The first issue is whether teaching is a craft or a profession. The issue whether the role of teacher is a profession or a craft has implications on how teacher educators view themselves, as practitioners or researchers. Finally, this review describes the lack of trust being shown by politicians and communities in number of countries to both teachers and teacher educators.
April 2014
All Recent Items
Professional Development
Connecting Changes in Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge to their Experiences in a Professional Development Workshop
A Decade of Professional Development Research for Inclusive Education: A Critical Review and Notes for a Research Program
Making Sense of Double Number Lines in Professional Development: Exploring Teachers’ Understandings of Proportional Relationships

Teacher Education & Instruction

Tools that Come from Within: Learning to Teach in a Cross-Cultural Adult Literacy Practicum
The Durability of Professional and Sociomathematical Norms Intentionally Fostered in an Early Pedagogy Course
Who Teaches Mathematics Content Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers in the United States? Results of a National Survey
Evaluating the Evidence Base of Video Analysis: A Special Education Teacher Development Tool

Mentoring & Supervision

Uncovering Perceptions of the Induction and Mentoring Experience: Developing a Measure That Works

Teacher Educators

Religion as a Support Factor for Women of Color Pursuing Science Degrees: Implications for Science Teacher Educators

Special Education

Comparing Online and Face-to-Face Presentation of Course Content in an Introductory Special Education Course
Using Multimedia Tools to Support Teacher Candidates’ Learning
Coaching Preservice Teachers to Teach Play Skills to Children With Disabilities

Teacher Education Programs

Student Teaching’s Contribution to Preservice Teacher Development: A Review of Research Focused on the Preparation of Teachers for Urban and High-Needs Contexts
Making Learning the Object: Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory to Analyze and Organize Student Teaching in Urban High-Needs Schools

Preservice Students

Pre-service Teacher Research: An Early Acculturation into a Research Disposition
Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Science Vocabulary: Knowledge and Application

Beginning Teachers

The Impact of Continuing Professional Development on a Novice Teacher
Why New Mathematics Teachers Do or Don’t Use Practices Emphasized in their Credential Program

Teaching Assessment

Valuing Initial Teacher Education at Master’s Level
Using Educative Assessments to Support Science Teaching for Middle School English-language Learners

Technology & Computers

How Can Open Online Reflective Journals Enhance Learning in Teacher Education?

Theories & Approaches

Searching High and Searching Low, Searching East and Searching West: Looking For Trust in Teacher Education
Education of Teachers: The English Experience
Changing Conceptions of Time: Implications for Educational Research and Practice
Speaking of Bodies in Justice-Oriented, Feminist Teacher Education
April 2014
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items