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This article examines the challenges and issues faced by pre-service teachers in relation to classroom behavior management. The author found that the journeys of these participants undertaken in relation to professional identity formation. It was also found that the narration were unique to each and to the diverse school contexts they worked within. However, the author also found common themes in relation to these experiences. These participants found themselves being encouraged to assume the position of power and enforcement over the source of the challenging behaviour, the child.
Published: 2015
Updated: Dec. 19, 2018
This study aimed to examine how certain underlying assumptions about mathematical learning, as reflected in a teacher educator’s discourse in whole-classroom discussions, align with opportunities to mathematize either ritually or exploratively. The authors argue that the findings showed that at the surface level, the instruction in the class seemed to align with ‘‘explorative’’ goals. The authors also argue that the instruction, however, was more aligned with ‘‘ritual’’ goals that are concerned with producing narratives about people, not about mathematics.
Published: 2016
Updated: Nov. 18, 2018
This study examined relationships between the recruitment practice and contexts for recruitment to initial teacher education (ITE). The authors found that policy makers in England have recently shifted the balance of responsibility for recruitment from higher education institutes (HEIs) to schools. The policy makers in Wales are considering a similar change, but at present their recruitment is firmly in the control of HEIs. The authors found that the recruitment to ITE in Northern Ireland remains firmly in the control of HEIs whilst policymakers in Scotland remain committed to its partnership of HEIs and local authorities in recruiting to ITE.
Published: 2016
Updated: Nov. 15, 2018
This study investigated executive function development during teacher preparation. The findings suggest that pre-service student teachers typically have average levels of metacognition index (MI) and behavioural regulation index (BRI) compared to the wider population.
Published: 2017
Updated: Nov. 13, 2018