We are delighted to be sending you the new issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal newsletter with the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.
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This article describes a comparative study which conducted in Norway, Israel and The Netherlands to examine the perceptions of mentors and mentees the nature of assessment in practice teaching. The participants were 74 student teachers and 52 mentors from these three countries. The authors found high agreement between mentors and students on a number of issues related to assessment in mentoring both in the nature of teaching as well in the process of mentoring. This study also found that there is a similar level of agreement in the three contexts regarding what to assess and how the assessment is done as there is about the mentoring activity.
In this article, three students teachers reflected and wrote about their student-teaching experiences. The group chose to examine common concerns of student teachers not often addressed in classes, with the idea that these reflections could be useful for teacher candidates just entering student teaching. These vignettes were presented to pre-student teaching candidates in the semester just before their student-teaching experience and at the end of the semester. The authors stated the value in grooming student teachers toward the habit of reflection to help them gain insights to their identities as teachers and to make the shift from self-absorbed novices to student-centered teachers.
In this article, the author was interested to learn more about how 1st-year mathematics teachers use questioning strategies as a method for improving student engagement in whole-class discussions. The author observed two new mathematics teacher whom he mentored in the university. The data reveal that during each of their midterm observations, the two teachers were presenting lessons that exceeded 50% of the total class period . Therefore, they spent less time on engaging students in mathematics discussions. After each midterm conversation, both teachers increase the amount of time that students were discussing mathematics.
The current article intends to examine the impact of discipline styles on a range of factors, including: students’ respect for the rights of others; their level of connection to peers/school; their general wellbeing; and how much they like their teacher and subject. The results showed that discussion, involvement, hinting, and use of recognition and rewards encourage greater levels of communal responsibility. The results indicate that these other strategies influence the results and consequences of punishment.
This study explores a preservice teacher’s intercultural development over the course of a semester-long teacher education study abroad program in England. The preservice teacher experienced cultural dissonance during her immersion in the cultural context in England. Her immersion experience provided her with the opportunity to have the experience of being a cultural outsider. The authors conclude that such study abroad programs can be powerful vehicles in teacher educators’ efforts to prepare preservice teachers for work with culturally diverse students.
This article examines the ways to implement citizenship education in educational settings for individuals with cognitive disabilities. For their successful integration into society as contributing citizens, individuals with cognitive disabilities need self-determination skills such as autonomy, making choices, and self-regulation to be infused throughout their curriculum, and they should begin learning such skills as early as possible.