Trends in Teacher Education (297 items)To section archive

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The author believes teacher education is located on the borderline of both teaching and research. In the following, the author will explain this statement, reviewing teacher educators’ vulnerabilities in each role. Finally, she will claim that this borderline position has a potential of becoming a resource for innovation. The author argues that teacher educators can be brokers of change. Located at the border between teaching, research and policymaking, they have the opportunity to be part of each profession, experiencing the other two’s perspectives, expectations and criticism.
Published: 2018
Updated: Dec. 16, 2018
This article aims to provoke debate and discussion about teacher education futures, with particular reference to the interactions between knowledge and technology, within the teacher education community. The authors employed futures methodologies based on scenario creation. In these scenarios, the authors play out how and why changing versions of knowledge and their interactions with technology impact on teacher education. The authors note that in these scenarios, technology is primarily referred to in terms of its relationship to knowledge building and acquisition. They argued that the scenarios offer a dialectic between the influence of knowledge and that of technology. They also argue that these scenarios have a practical value in offering alternatives, encouraging debate.
Published: 2016
Updated: Nov. 08, 2018
This paper presents an analysis of teacher professional standards from five of the most culturally diverse nations in the English-speaking world. The authors examine how culturally and linguistically diverse learners and culturally responsive pedagogy are positioned, and what the standards stipulate teachers should know, and be able to do, in fulfilling their professional obligations. Based on this analysis, the authors conclude that the teacher professional standards do not acknowledge, let alone make explicit, the complex and specific knowledge and skills needed for culturally responsive teaching.
Published: 2016
Updated: Jul. 11, 2018
This study aimed to examine the relationship between policies related to the recruitment, selection, preparation, and certification of new teachers and (a) the quality of future teachers as measured by their mathematics content and pedagogy content knowledge and (b) student achievement in mathematics at the national level. The findings revealed statistically significant associations between the overall strength of these quality assurance arrangements and the quality of graduates. The authors found that countries with strong quality assurance arrangements, such as Chinese Taipei and Singapore, scored highest, whereas countries with weaker arrangements, such as Georgia and Chile, tended to score lower on these measures. The results also showed a statistically significant relationship between quality assurance arrangements and the mathematics achievement of students.
Published: 2017
Updated: Jul. 01, 2018