Jun. 26, 2013
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The International Portal of Teacher Education resource list, focusing on teacher education, pedagogy, instruction, and the professional development of teachers.

We invite you to come learn with us at the MOFET Online Summer Seminar, four weekly online synchronous workshop sessions on technology in education with four experts in the field. Registration is now open!

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

June 26, 2013 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
June 2013
Featured Items
Peer Mentoring Styles and Their Contribution to Academic Success Among Mentees: A Person-Oriented Study in Higher Education
This study had two objectives. The first objective was to examine peer mentoring styles and their correspondence to the mentoring styles associated with traditional mentoring. The second objective was to determine whether mentoring styles were related to the academic performance of mentees. The findings indicated three mentoring styles: Motivating master mentoring, informatory standard mentoring and negative minimalist mentoring. The results indicated that motivating master mentoring had a positive influence on poor academic performers.
One-to-One Laptop Teacher Education: Does Involvement Affect Candidate Technology Skills and Dispositions?
The authors examine differences in student technology outcomes between a pilot 1:1 program with ubiquitous technology use and a more traditional program in which our candidates are expected to complete specific technology requirements in each course. The authors found that after the post-test that the beliefs of laptop candidates about educational uses of technology and skill level with educational technology significantly increased. The results also indicated that teacher candidates who were not given ubiquitous access did not improve in skill level, nor did their beliefs about educational technology change.
The Dilemma of Cultural Responsiveness and Professionalization: Listening Closer to Immigrant Teachers Who Teach Children of Recent Immigrants
The authors present an analysis of the teacher interviews which were conducted in five U.S. cities with 50 preschool teachers. These interviews were part of a comparative study in Europe and the United States of what practitioners and parents who are recent immigrants think should happen in preschool. The authors compare the perspectives of these immigrant teachers with those of their nonimmigrant counterparts. Specifically, the authors focus on the cultural expertise of immigrant teachers who work within their own immigrant community. One of the major findings is that preschool teachers are caught between their pedagogical training and their cultural knowledge.
Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education: Forging a Middle Ground
The authors review the compatibility of key purposes for Electronic Portfolios (EPs) in light of the changing landscape of their use in teacher education. The authors will focus on analyzing the key purposes of portfolios—student learning/ reflection and accountability/accreditation, followed by another purpose cited in the literature—employment. The authors will discuss the costs and benefits as perceived by the various stakeholders. The authors conclude with seven recommendations to forge productive middle ground between the multiple purposes for EP use .
What Keeps Teachers In and What Drives Them Out: How Urban Public, Urban Catholic, and Jewish Day Schools Affect Beginning Teachers’ Careers
The author explores the important roles that school leaders and school environment play in supporting or inhibiting teachers’ initial commitments to teaching in urban public, Catholic, and Jewish schools.The study demonstrates that teachers from elite colleges who were recruited and prepared for teaching in a specific school sector might develop powerful commitments to their schools, their students, the community, and to teaching, which could result in longer teaching service.
June 2013
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
The Dilemma of Cultural Responsiveness and Professionalization: Listening Closer to Immigrant Teachers Who Teach Children of Recent Immigrants

Teacher Education & Instruction

Critically Redefining and Repositioning Media Texts in Early Childhood Teacher Education: What If? And Why?
Building Content and Communities: Developing a Shared Sense of Early Childhood Mathematics Pedagogy
Listening to Student Concerns: An Instructional Strategy to Expand Student Perspectives
The Efficacy of Educative Curriculum Materials to Support Geospatial Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Mentoring & Supervision

To Me It’s Like Having a Kid, Kind Of: Analysis of Student Reflections in a Developmental Mentoring Program
Peer Mentoring Styles and Their Contribution to Academic Success Among Mentees: A Person-Oriented Study in Higher Education

Preservice Students

Examining Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Practice within and across Multimodal Writing Environments
The Performance of Reflection: A Grounded Analysis of Prospective Teachers’ ePortfolios
Evaluating Corpus Literacy Training for Pre-Service Language Teachers: Six Case Studies

Beginning Teachers

What Keeps Teachers In and What Drives Them Out: How Urban Public, Urban Catholic, and Jewish Day Schools Affect Beginning Teachers’ Careers

Teaching Assessment

Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education: Forging a Middle Ground
Critical Examination of Candidates’ Diversity Competence: Rigorous and Systematic Assessment of Candidates' Efficacy to Teach Diverse Student Populations

Technology & Computers

One-to-One Laptop Teacher Education: Does Involvement Affect Candidate Technology Skills and Dispositions?
A Mixed Methods Comparison of Teacher Education Faculty Perceptions of the Integration of Technology into their Courses and Student Feedback on Technology Proficiency
Reflections at Hand: Using Student Response System Technology to Mediate Teacher Reflective Thinking
Increasing Student Interaction Online: A Review of the Literature in Teacher Education Programs
Interacting and Learning Together: Factors Influencing Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Academic Wiki Use
Time After Time Online: An Extended Study of Virtual Coaching During Distant Clinical Practice
Professional Learning during a One-to-One Laptop Innovation
Blogging the Field: An Emergent Continuum for Urban Teacher Development
Implementing an Educational Technology Course in Namibia’s Basic Education Teaching Diploma Programme

Theories & Approaches

Teacher education in New Zealand
Becoming a VET Teacher as a Second Career: Investigating the Determinants of Career Choice and their Relation to Perceptions about Prior Occupation
The Culture of Family: How a Model Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Program Navigates a Limited Context
Teaching Efficacy and Teaching Performance Among Student Teachers in a Jordanian Childhood Education Program
Nontraditional Students and Institutions of Higher Education: A Conceptual Framework
Video Production and Classroom Instruction: Bridging the Academies and the Realities of Practice in Teacher Education
Are the Traditional Curricula Dispensable? A Feature Pattern to Compare Different Types of Curriculum and a Critical View of Educational Standards and Essential Curricula in Germany

Trends in Teacher Education

‘Tuning’ Education for the Market in ‘Europe’? Qualifications, Competences and Learning Outcomes: Reform and Action on the Shop Floor
June 2013
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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All recent items