Oct. 13, 2015
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending the monthly newsletter of the International Portal of Teacher Education, containing the latest articles on teacher education, pedagogy, and instruction that have been published in academic journals.

We would like to bring to your attention that there are still some openings in our fascinating online course:
Becoming an Online Teacher: Thinking It, Trying It, Doing It 

Registration is open until 29 Oct. For more details please click here. We are looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues among our students!

Wishing you interesting reading,

The MOFET Portal Team

October 13, 2015 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
October 2015
Featured Items
Bridging the gap for beginning teachers: researcher as mentor
This study aims to examine the development of an unintended mentoring relationship between researchers and participants during a longitudinal, qualitative study. It highlights the opportunity for teacher preparation to serve as a bridge to close the gap in learning between the relatively theoretical world of teacher preparation and practical world of classroom teaching. Two larger themes emerged from the findings: (1) the importance of trust in supporting beginning teachers; and (2) the researcher as a bridge between learning and teaching.
Exploring the antecedents of boredom: Do teachers know why students are bored?
The main objective of the present study was to explore if students and teachers perceive the same antecedents of students’ boredom. The authors asked students to report the reasons for their boredom and compared the teachers’ perceptions to the students’ answers. The results show that students were able to describe the antecedents of their boredom profoundly and in detail. The comparison of students’ and teachers’ perspectives revealed a strong correspondence. The results reveal that most of the antecedents named by students were also mentioned by teachers with only the exception of the student category teacher’s personality.
Mentoring Student Teachers; A Vulnerable Workplace Learning Practice
The focus of this study is the practice of mentoring as perceived by key participants, and the backdrop is the changing training context. Particularly, this research aims to understand mentoring of student teachers as a practice-based learning process situated within the school as a workplace, and for the purposes of sustaining the working practices and staffing of that workplace. Experiences of mentoring in this specific case study of initial teacher education vary but there are common constraints and affordances. This research suggests that the wider value placed on mentoring within the workplace-orientated context of initial teacher education matters. Furthermore, the socio-cultural context within which mentoring occurs also has a significant impact, and indeed the extent to which the mentors are afforded the necessary time and mentor education to fulfil their role.
Exploring Preservice Teacher Perspectives on Video Games as Learning Tools
This study examines the perceptions of preservice teachers before and after using a set of video games as teaching and learning tools. Findings indicated that although a majority agreed that video games can support many specific teaching and learning tasks, many remain skeptical of their value in classroom settings, with many of those participants also doubting their ability to successfully integrate video games into their teaching.
Educational Developers As Researchers: The Contribution of Insider Research to Enhancing Understanding of Role, Identity and Practice
The aim of this article was to explore the experiences of insider researchers and to draw comparisons between that role and the role of the educational developer, noting in particular the ambiguity of an ‘in-between’ existence that is common to both roles. The article illustrates how five aspects of insider research: proximity, multiple roles, internal politics, ethics and voice, may enable these tensions to be viewed from a different perspective. The author concludes that both insider researcher and educational developer are required to adopt a balancing act to function effectively and constantly need to reflect on their position to maintain the validity of their activities.
Cultivating Critical Thinkers: Exploring Transfer of Learning from Pre-service Teacher Training to Classroom Practice
The purpose of this study was to explore the transfer of learning from teacher training to classroom practice by examining the effectiveness of CT-integrated instruction on junior high school students’ critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions. The findings suggest that critical thinking skills and dispositions were successfully transferred to learners.Furthermore, the results indicate that the CT-integrated English instruction had a positive impact on participants’ academic performance.
October 2015
All Recent Items
Professional Development
Researching the Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programmes Based on Action Research, Constructivism, and Systems Theory

Instruction in Teacher Training

Crossing the Great Divide: Teacher Candidates, Mathematics, and Social Justice
Cultivating Critical Thinkers: Exploring Transfer of Learning from Pre-service Teacher Training to Classroom Practice
Co-Teaching Versus Apprentice Teaching: An Analysis of Similarities and Differences
Exploring the antecedents of boredom: Do teachers know why students are bored?

Mentoring & Supervision

The Challenge of Work Based Learning: A Role for Academic Mentors?
Dialectical Tensions Experienced by Diversified Mentoring Dyads
Building a Sustainable Structure to Support the Adaptive Mentorship Model in Teacher Education
Mentoring Student Teachers; A Vulnerable Workplace Learning Practice

Teacher Educators

Educational Developers As Researchers: The Contribution of Insider Research to Enhancing Understanding of Role, Identity and Practice
Teacher Educators’ Identity: A Review of Literature

Teacher Education Programs

The Dialogic Space Offered by Curriculum-Making in the Process of Learning to Teach, and the Creation of a Progressive Knowledge-Led Curriculum
Two Heads Are Better Than One: Inservice Teachers Engaging in Instructional Design 2.0
Technology-Focused Early Field Experiences in Preservice Teacher Education

Preservice Teachers

Exploring Student Teachers’ Resistance to Teacher Education Pedagogies
From Teachers to Students: What Influences Early Childhood Educators to Pursue College Education
Exploring Preservice Teacher Perspectives on Video Games as Learning Tools
A Phenomenological Study of an International Teaching Practicum: Pre-service Teachers’ Experiences of Professional Development

Beginning Teachers

Bridging the gap for beginning teachers: researcher as mentor

Assessment & Evaluation

Predictors of Confidence and Competence Among Early Childhood Interventionists

ICT & Teaching

More Than Words: Investigating the Format of Asynchronous Discussions as Threaded Discussions or Blogs
Deconstructing an Online Community of Practice: Teachers’ Actions in the Edmodo Math Subject Community

Theories & Approaches

Reducing Teacher burnout: A Socio-Contextual Approach
Motivation for Attending Higher Education From the Perspective of Early Care and Education Professionals
What Knowledge is Shaping Teacher Preparation in Early Childhood Mathematics?
Deconstructing Dispositions: Toward a Critical Ability Theory in Teacher Education

Trends in Teacher Education

The State of Teacher Research in Early Childhood Teacher Education
Teacher Preparation in Changing Times: One Program’s Journey Toward Re-Vision and Revision
Ten Years of Response to Intervention: Implications for General Education Teacher Preparation Programs
What Do Professional Learning Policies Say about Purposes of Teacher Education?
October 2015
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

MOFET ITEC Portal website: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/

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If you are having trouble reading this newsletter it is also available at: http://itec.macam.ac.il/portal/NewsletterArchive.aspx.

All recent items