Frequently Asked Questions

Following are answers to some FAQ's. For further questions, please contact us.

Yes. The use of the portal is free and open to all, including registration for the monthly newsletter.

Every item in the portal is accompanied by full bibliographical details to help you locate it in academic libraries and in online databases. Cases in which you can link to the full text are indicated by "To full text".

You can perform a focused search according to author only. From the menu on top, select "Search authors". The authors' surnames are arranged alphabetically.

You may submit texts for publication in the portal on condition that they have not been already published in any other medium or format in the past. In other words, the texts must be original, new, and written especially for the portal. Texts that are submitted to us will be published only if they are approved by the Portal's editorial board, if they are relevant to the content fields of the portal – teaching and teacher education, and if they meet the professional and academic standards both of the writer and of the text. Texts must be written in English, and be no more than 700 words in length.

We recommend that you register for the monthly newsletter, free of charge, in order to keep abreast of the latest research and papers on teaching and teacher education. Each newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the portal.

Simply write your email address under "Free Newsletter" (located left).
Your email address is stored in The MOFET Institute's database only. It will be not transferred to any other person or organization. For more information, check the Portal's Terms of Use.