Engaging Elementary Preservice Teachers With Active Learning Teaching Methodologies

Apr. 29, 2009

Source: The Teacher Educator, Volume 44 Issue 2, p. 113–125, 2009.

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of active learning on preservice teachers’ dignity, energy, self-management, community, and awareness (DESCA) abilities, attitudes toward teaching as well as attitudes toward science.


The data for the current study were obtained from 77 elementary school preservice teachers (36 females and 41 males) from two classes conducted by the same instructor in a public university located in Hatay, a small city in Turkey.
The sample varied between 21 to 23 years of age. Each of the two modes of instruction were randomly assigned to two classes.
The experimental group received the active teaching and learning of constructivist methods, whereas the comparison group was exposed to the traditional instruction.

The data was analyzed for 39 students in the experimental group and 38 students in the comparison group. In addition, 6 random students in the experimental group were asked to write reflection letters before and after the treatment.

DESCA abilities and attitudes were measured before and after instruction.

Results revealed that there was a significant difference favoring the active learning instruction on preservice teachers’ DESCA scores; however, there was no significant difference on preservice teachers’ attitudes toward teaching and science.

Updated: May. 13, 2009


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