Articulation and Re-Articulation: Development of A Model for Providing Quality Feedback to Pre-Service Teachers on Practicum

May. 20, 2009

Source: Journal of Education for Teaching, Volume 35, Issue 2, pages 123 - 132 (May 2009)

Student teachers studying to become primary school teachers in New Zealand can spend up to 24 weeks on professional teaching practice in schools. This article describes a model based on the Conversational Framework by Laurillard. The model developed after conducting an action research study requiring critical reflection on the practice of giving feedback to student teachers on professional teaching practice. The article outlines both the theoretical and practical aspects of this model. It sets in place a useful framework that simplifies the different stages of the feedback process so that students, supervisors and lecturers can gain a better shared understanding of effective pedagogical practice in a variety of teacher education programs.

Updated: Jun. 01, 2009


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