Dilemmas in Crossing the Boundaries: From K-12 to Higher Education and Back Again

Oct. 15, 2007

Source: Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 23, Issue 7, October 2007, Pages 1165-1176
Publisher: Elsevier

For the purpose of reflective analysis, this article, which employs narrative inquiry as a research methodology, combines two “crossing the boundaries” dilemmas that the author experienced over the course of a decade.

While the dilemmas relate to different issues that emerged in the author's career (standardized testing as a K-12 teacher and the formal evaluation of a reform program as a tenured, full professor), the author traces the roots of the dilemmas to the same source:
the hegemonic relationship between theory and practice which, despite the passage of time, continues to persist in the field of education and to shape the professional experiences of educators, some of which are miseducative.

The author argues that until the relationship between educational practices in schools and educational practices in universities are addressed, school reform that benefits children cannot be fully realized.

Updated: May. 27, 2008


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